Whatever Happened to OHIP Chiropractic Coverage

OHIP only covers a portion of X-Ray examinations

for Chiropractic patients in Ontario.

In the spring of 2008, OHIP reinstated coverage for the technical aspect (taking X-rays) of X-ray examinations for chiropractic patients in Ontario. This covers all aspects of the x-ray process by Radiology Technicians (RT), including film, positioning, exposure and processing the X-rays. The professional X-ray reading component by Ontario chiropractors is not included in OHIP coverage, but many extended health care (EHC) plans do cover this aspect. For more details, please reach out to our office.

Chiropractic Coverage - OHIP Delisting - What Happened? The Government of Ontario in it's healthcare budget removed (delisted) chiropractic co-payments from OHIP on December 1st, 2004. Over 600,000 signatures and individual letters from Ontarians were sent to the provincial government, urging them to reverse this decision. Some physiotherapy and optometry services were also removed from the list of covered services in Ontario. We appreciate all our patients who supported our petition and conveyed their concerns to the government.

Your Questions?

Now that OHIP has been delisted, how does it affect me? If you have private or group extended benefits for chiropractic, you'll likely see advantages from OHIP being delisted. Your extended health benefits plan will probably cover a portion, or all of your chiropractic care up to your plan's annual limit. This potentially reduces the out-of-pocket expenses you previously faced when OHIP co-payments were in effect. If you don't have benefits, the cost of chiropractic care has only slightly increased, remaining one of the most cost-effective treatments available.

Some Good News... At Advanced Healthcare, Dr. Pisarek has introduced grouped treatment packages (Block Fee Packages) that further reduce treatment costs (e.g. cheaper when purchased in bulk). These packages have been well received, offering cost savings and convenience to our patients.

Tap here for a brief video "Chiropractic Cuts Healthcare Costs"

Chiropractic care continues to be an affordable and effective treatment solution for your healthcare needs. We are pleased to be part of your healthcare team.

For more information, please contact us at (416) 633-3000




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